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First aid course Management of Anaphylaxis

Code: 22578VIC


22578VIC Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis 

Course Outline

The purpose of this course is to raise awareness of allergy and anaphylaxis in the community. Graduates of Course in Management of Anaphylaxis  will be able to identify signs and symptoms of an allergic/anaphylactic reaction and assist a person experiencing a severe allergic reaction by provide emergency first aid using an adrenaline autoinjector device. In addition, they will identify allergen risks and develop risk minimisation plans for people where a duty of care is present.

3 years
3 hours
Course Materials: First aid / Anaphylaxis manual 
Nationally accredited statement of attainment
Recognition of allergy and anaphylaxis – Scenario tested competency
Administer an EpiPen  – Scenario tested competency
Demonstrate knowledge of policy/allergy – Multi- choice knowledge test, Risk minimisation plans
Course Accreditation:
The course is nationally recognised through inclusion on the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).